Friday, March 11, 2016

Happy Spring Break

Wow, did we cover a lot of ground this term, from our Science work with Dr. Dom, to gymnastics, and documenting our amazing work on Seesaw! It was a fast paced and action packed second term!

The children were so proud to share their work at student led conferences this week. Thanks to all the parents and family members who were able to attend. Your positive, encouraging words and the interest you showed in your child's learning and progress is vital to their success so thank YOU for your support!

Have a wonderful Spring Break everyone!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Counting Bags

In Math we have been estimating and counting bigger numbers in our counting books. 

Students choose a bag of random items to take back to their desks. Anything from tokens to bottle caps and toothpicks. First they record what they're counting before making an estimate of how many 'things' are in the bag. Then it's time to count and record. Items are grouped by tens (in cups) and the ones are leftover. 


3 tens + 4 ones
      = 34