After revisiting the photos from the day, we came across the jellyfish and thought we could make our own.
Day one involved painting tissue paper onto balloons with watered down white glue. In partners, the children rolled their sleeves up and got the sticky job started. Peeling the dried glue off their hands was almost more fun than the actual painting and layering of tissue so a second day was needed for a final layer! We wanted to ensure they would be strong enough.
After a very final coat (thank you Miss Jennifer) of the glue, to smooth down the loose pieces, they dries solid and were ready to pop and cut in half. This was pretty exciting! (Insert ooohs and ahhhhs here)
Then it was time for the tentacles. We set up two help yourself ribbon stations and strands of colourful ribbon were carefully stuck to packing tape before being fixed to the bottom side of the domes. Some kids couldn't get enough ribbon and we even curled some of the extra long pieces for some texture and boing!