Friday, November 6, 2015


After reading Jeneatte Winter's book, My Name is Georgia, and learning about the life of artist Georiga O'Keeffee we set out to paint our own big poppies for Remembrance Day.  

The kids noticed that Georgia's poppies looked real because the lines were organic and free flowing. They described the lines that made the shapes as wavy, curvy and squiggly. With oil pastels they drew big on their 11x18 paper. 

Using palettes of red, orange and yellow they practiced using long brush strokes and experimented with mixing colour on the paper. 

The centres were created by cutting straight lines into the middle of a precut black circle. The cut pieces were then rolled up in sections around a pencil to create curls and give the flowers dimension. 

Yellow tissue paper was scrunched up and glued in the centre for a pop of colour.